Eminem and Hailie
Eminem and Hailie
This Is the eminem and hailie jade album!*~ It has every pic of hailie and em.
eminem got hsi baby back
eminem got hsi baby back 
Marshall has stated in interviews that “Hailie means the world to him and he never lets her out of his sight even if she wants to ride her bike or play in the front yard Marshall is always there by her side. Hailie loves to draw and play in her dad’s studio while Eminem records his latest songs. But whenever Hailie is there Eminem turns his music down so Hailie can’t hear the swear words. With some of his music he made clean versions so Hailie could listen to them. Marshall, Kim, and Hailie’s family relationship was kept private from public eye and in 1999 Kim and Marshall got married after many brake up’s and make up’s. But not long after Eminem filed divorce papers in August 2000, they made up in December 2001, then Kim filed for the final divorce in March 2002. Kim got full custody of Hailie and Eminem could only go and visit her.
eminem and hailie site.
EMineM and HAilie SITE.